Eastern Mediterranean

In 2012 several of my family members embarked on an unforgettable 14-day cruise through the Eastern Mediterranean, where ancient history, breathtaking landscapes, and culinary delights awaited at every port of call.

Our journey began in the cradle of Western civilization, Athens, and concluded in the transcontinental wonder of Istanbul, taking us through some of the most captivating destinations in Greece, Italy, Cyprus, Rhodes, Israel, Egypt, and Turkey.

As we sailed through the azure waters of the Aegean Sea, we were mesmerized by the ecological diversity of the Greek islands. From the rugged, volcanic terrain of the coastlines to the lush, pine-covered hills of Rhodes, each island offered a unique glimpse into the rich tapestry of Mediterranean maritime and terrestrial ecosystems.

The Bahai Gardens in Haifa, Israel, also known as the Hanging Gardens of Haifa, are a significant and visually stunning site in the Bahai faith. They are situated on the northern slope of Mount Carmel. The gardens feature meticulous geometric designs, fountains, and well-manicured flower beds, creating a harmonious and peaceful atmosphere. In 2008 these gardens were designated as a UNESCO World Heritage site.

The region’s varied landscapes support an impressive array of flora and fauna, with many endemic species that have evolved in isolation on these island sanctuaries.

Our voyage was a journey through time as much as it was through space. We explored awe-inspiring historical sites that spanned millennia, from the ancient Acropolis in Athens to the remarkably well preserved ruins of Ephesus in Turkey.

Each stop on our itinerary offered a window into the civilizations that have shaped the course of human history, from the classical Greeks and Romans to the Byzantine and Ottoman empires on through to the rise of Christianity.

No exploration of the Eastern Mediterranean would be complete without enjoying its exquisite cuisine. Aboard the ship we also had a gastronomic adventure that showcased the best of Eastern Mediterranean flavors. From fresh seafood to aromatic herbs, the region’s culinary traditions are a testament to the bounty of the land and sea.

Join me as a take you backwards through a whirlwind tour of this fascinating journey. Flip through the pages of the PDF below and enjoy the ride, starting from Turkey and ending in Greece.

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