Kenya & Tanzania

In 2015 I returned to Africa, only this time to sub-Saharan Africa.  In November of that year I traveled to Kenya and Tanzania with my spouse and two friends.  We were hosted by Mikey and Tanya of the Safari Collection. We made four stops in four different parts of the country.

Kenyan spotter on a photo safari

Here is an image of one of our spotters as we traversed the bush country in search of wildlife.

The people of Africa are so beautiful. Proud, elegant, graceful.

Here you see some of the Samburu warriors performing a ritual dance for the young women of the tribe. They are dancing in a dry riverbed; a location where all of the young eligible woman and the young warriors meet to perform this mating ritual.

Stay tuned. I’ll add a PDF with more images and commentary as soon as I can find the time to process these remarkable photos.